Dealing with Death
Let’s face it, death is hard. It’s the one thing everyone now living knows will happen to them, yet it’s incredibly hard to wrap your head around it when it actually does happen. It gets even harder when you consider the way death can happen. My dad recently passed away and it was/ is challenging emotionally, then a friend of mine was shot and killed, that also was hard to believe. Both deaths occurred within a two month span. I won’t lie, I haven’t been myself. I’ve been working a lot because
“life must go on” but I think it’s time to address it.
Let’s face it, death is hard. It’s the one thing everyone now living knows will happen to them, yet it’s incredibly hard to wrap your head around it when it actually does happen. It gets even harder when you consider the way death can happen. My dad recently passed away and it was/ is challenging emotionally, then a friend of mine was shot and killed, that also was hard to believe. Both deaths occurred within a two month span. I won’t lie, I haven’t been myself. I’ve been working a lot because

I wasn’t super close to my dad or my friend which makes this very surprising, not that I feel sadness for them but the amount of sadness I feel. I saw my dad sick for months, I saw the video of my friend being shot and it’s all pretty horrific. It’s not easy but at some point we all have to face ourselves. I think that’s the biggest part in dealing with death or challenges in general. You have to be honest about your feelings, you may have to sit with them for some time to understand yourself. This can be difficult but I honestly believe it’s how to move past it. I’m the type of person who likes to work things out alone in my mind, privately.
But I’m choosing to write it down and share it with you guys. I’m not pretending to be strong or denying my feelings. I’m realizing true strength is being able to face your feelings without suppressing it. I haven’t tried it but I know many people who have therapists and love sharing with them. If sharing with a stranger isn’t your thing then maybe find a good friend you can talk to. No friends? Write it down. I woke up feeling a bit down and that’s what inspired this blog post. Death can be hard, but life has to go on and it will, just make sure you go along with it positively and constructively. It’s okay to be sad. Feel your feelings, don’t feel bad about your feelings, it’s actually the only way to move past them. Feel free to reach out to me if you want to talk or just share your experiences.
Image Credit: Painting "Love You, Dad" by Mayumi Nakao